TPUK relies on donations to sustain itself. At present the majority of our donations come from our Patreon supporters, who donate between £2-£10 per month!
The absolute best, most awesome way to support us is by becoming a Patreon subscriber. You can support us for as little as £2 per month, and we've included a ton of benefits to say thank you, from sneak peaks to shop discounts to magazine subscriptions!
If you are unable to support the project financially, you can help us out by giving us a follow either on instagram or facebook, and liking, commenting on and sharing our posts - all of these actions (especially commenting!) help our ranking with social media algorithms, and enable more people to see the project!
At time of writing, our Patreon donations all go towards the practical running costs of project - this covers web-hosting, print costs for our magazine, and a small travel budget. Becoming a supporter also really ensures that we can keep the costs in our online shop accessible, setting prices that will allow those on low-income the opportunity to buy one of our magazines.
The more supporters we have, the more we can expand the scope of what we do. We're currently in the process of expanding outside Bristol, and we'd love to be able to reach areas in the North of England, in Scotland and in Northern Ireland - all of which are very out of budget at the moment! More donations give us the chance to increase our travel budget - but also crucially give us the opportunity to recruit new photographers from different areas of the UK. Our first goal is to reach £140 per month (you can read more about this on our Patreon Page), which will enable us to do some of these things.
Beyond that first £140 per month, who knows what we can achieve? We'd love to create further opportunities for trans photographers - such as a lending library of equipment, workshops and events, along with a network for trans photographers with opportunities for mentorship and development. And of course, we'd also love to be able to create more publications - educational resources would be wonderful - and hold more exhibitions in the future!
So if you love the project and what it's doing, please consider becoming a supporter on Patreon! When you become a Patreon Supporter, you're not only helping to keep the project alive, but you're also giving us the opportunity to grow into something bigger.